Identify the most relevant guidance to respect and protect land rights in the context of investments

Identify the most relevant guidance to respect and protect land rights in the context of investments

The Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator 

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Land provides the basis for the livelihoods, ways of life, culture and social identity of many people across the rural world. Land rights often raise the most difficult issues in land-based investments, for example in the agricultural, extractive and infrastructure sectors.

A wide range of materials provides governments, civil society and private sector actors with guidance on how to protect land rights in investment processes. But the large number of these tools, and sometimes their limited accessibility to a non-specialist audience, make it more difficult for those actors to apply state-of-the-art guidance that is most relevant to them.

The Responsible Land-Based Investment Navigator helps governments, civil society and businesses identify and access the guidance most relevant to their area of intervention. You can access tools and guides based on the topics they cover and/or their main intended audience, selecting the tabs in the top header. You can also use the search bar above with key words. The Navigator also offers a selection of additional resources, including general principles such as UN documents; reports and case studies providing insights into experiences with addressing land rights issues; and links to external platforms that offer complementary services to the Navigator.

News and Blogs


Rapid response mechanisms: proactive legal support for communities

  Ms. Rachael Knight

Rapid response mechanisms (RRMs) are a new, proactive legal approach designed to provide legal and technical support to communities facing nascent conflicts related to land-based investments.


Traditional authorities need a clearer role in land governance

  Jesinta Kunda

Traditional authorities in Zambia complain that the government does not consult them when land is allocated for investment projects, while communities say chiefs are neglecting their interests.


Mining contract transparency improves local planning in Mali


In Mali, a civil society coalition worked with communities to achieve greater transparency on gold mining contracts and to hold authorities and companies to account.


Maroc : le chilien Agroberries investira 40 millions $ dans la production de myrtille d’ici 2023

  Stéphanas Assocle

(Agence Ecofin) - Le Maroc est l’un des principaux fournisseurs africains de l’Europe en produits horticoles.


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