Sources of the images used in the RLI Navigator

Consultation and Free Prior and Informed Consent Community meeting of canal clearers, Zambia., by Anna Fawcus, CC BY 2.0
Community meeting of canal clearers, Zambia. Photo by Anna Fawcus / The WorldFish Center, a CGIAR Consortium Research Center.
Transparency & anti-corruption Anti-Corruption billboard, by Philip Schuler / World Bank, CC BY 2.0
Anti-Corruption sign in Namibia. Photo: Philip Schuler / World Bank
Environmental & Social Impact Assessment ITPC field visit, by Ricky Martin/CIFOR, CC BY 2.0
A group of high-ranking officials from Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, UNEP, FAO and several other international organizations conducted a review of peatland restoration managed by PT Mayangkara Tanaman Industri (MTI) Sunday afternoon (10/28/2018).
Legacy land issues JH-ZA070828_0172, by John Hogg/World Bank, CC BY 2.
Iron and Steel giant ISKOR's Vanderbijl Park refinery. Farm land bordering the industrial area. 2007. Photo: © John Hogg/World Bank
Responsible Supply Chains Truck filled with oil palm, by Greg Girard/CIFOR, CC BY 2.0
A truck transporting harvested oil palms, Sabah, Malaysia.
Conflict resolution Peacekeeping, by UNMISS, CC BY 2.0
United Nations Mission in South Sudan Civil Affairs Division holds a Conflict Management Forum with Internally Displaced Persons sheltering at Mahad Primary School, held under the theme "The Role of Women in Community Dialogue and Mediation".
Go to resources on Legal Advice Legal Advice, by Nick Youngson, CC BY-SA 3.0
Legal Advice
Gender Agriculture in the area of Yangambi, DRC., by Axel Fassio/CIFOR, CC BY 2.0
Formation, Recherche, et Environnement dans la Tshopo (FORETS), Democratic Republic of Congo
Community preparedness Marienfluss Conservancy Meeting, by © NACSO/WWF in Namibia, CC BY-NC 2.0
NAMIBIA - JULY 2011. Members of the Marinefluss Conservancy meet in the shade in Namibia, where USAID supported government and NGO initiatives to promote sustainable wildlife management on communal land. Photo by Steve Felton, WWF
Investor compliance Wood truck, by Photo by Ollivier Girard/CIFOR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Wood Truck for the Company Fabrique Camerounaise de paquets (FIPCAM) near the village of Ngon. District of Ebolowa, Cameroon.
Mapping Mapping exercise in Jhalokhati, Bangladesh. Photo by Mélody Braun, 2013., by WorldFish, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Mapping of the ‘rice field fish sanctuaries’ area, with the community in Jagannathpur village, Jhalokhati, Bangladesh.
Improving the law Lawmakers meet during a session of Parliament in Accra., by Photo: Jonathan Ernst / World Bank, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Lawmakers meet during a session of Parliament in Accra, Ghana, June 16, 2006. Photo is cropped.
Advocacy COP17 civil society march, 3 Dec 2011, by GovernmentZA, CC BY-ND 2.0
Thousands of Non-Governmental Organisations from both international and locals such as COSATU members came in numbers to add their voice to the ongoing negotiations at ICC and hand over their memorandum to the President of COP17/CMP7 South Africa's Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane outside COP17/CMP7 Conference in Durban,South Africa 03/12/2011
Operators Mato Grosso, Brazil, by Icaro Cooke Vieira/CIFOR, CC BY 2.0
Plantação de cana-de-açucar família Bertolini.
Lenders & Investors ITPC field visit, by Ricky Martin/CIFOR, CC BY 2.0
A group of high-ranking officials from Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, UNEP, FAO and several other international organizations conducted a review of peatland restoration managed by PT Mayangkara Tanaman Industri (MTI) Sunday afternoon (10/28/2018).
Buyers Color of Development, by Ikhlasul Amal, CC BY 2.0
Balubur area during great development, building Balubur Town Square (Baltos) or Balubur Mall.
Go to resources for legal advisors , by Succo, Pixabay License - Free for commercial use
Hammer Law Books Court Lawyer Paragraph Rules
Legal advisors Attorney Sushil Jacob advising clients at the Resilient Communities Legal Cafe, by Chris Tittle / Sustainable Economies Law Center, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Attorney Sushil Jacob advising clients at the Resilient Communities Legal Cafe
Grassroots organisations Speaking out: Peer educators advocate for an end to FGM/C, by Picture: Jessica Lea/DFID., CC BY 2.0
Peer educator, Rihanata Ouedraogo, leads a group discussion on FGM/C in Koassinga village, Burkina Faso.
Civil society #CSW62 - Side Event - It's Time! A Collaboration to End Child Early and Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), by Photo: UN Women/Susan Markisz, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
A civil society sponsored Parallel Event to the 62nd Annual UN Commission on the Status of Women. A conversation between civil society organizations, girl and young women activists and policy experts. Anchored by the leadership and commitments made by UN member states, particularly Zambia, Ethiopia and Uganda as well as the African Union, It’s Time aims to further the work already underway and enhance collaboration among all sectors. The event will introduce the new UN Women Regional Goodwill Ambassador Jaha Dukureh in person.
Government President Jacob Zuma attends African Union Summit, 27-30 Jan 2012, by Photo: GovernmentZA, CC BY-ND 2.0
President Jacob Zuma with Ambassodor Pepani, Minister Maite Nkoana Mashabane and Ambassodor Lindiwe Zulu at the AU 18th Ordinary Session of the Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa. Ethiopia
Contracts S. Sothymalar feeds her chickens which she received from a livelihood project funded by AusAID in partnership with ZOA., by DFAT, CC BY 2.0
S. Sothymalar feeds her chickens which she received from a livelihood project funded by AusAID in partnership with ZOA.
Due diligence Water Quality Sampling of the Isei River as it Emerges from the Mau Forest, by USAID Biodiversity & Forestry, CC BY-NC 2.0
USAID Biodiversity & Forestry - Water Quality Sampling of the Isei River as it Emerges from the Mau Forest
Grievances & redress Reconciliation efforts between tribes, by Albert González Farran - UNAMID, CC BY 2.0
21 August 2012. Mellit: A UNAMID convoy approaches a Sundanese military check-point at the outskirts of Mellit, North Darfur.
A UNAMID team visited Mellit, North Darfur, on 21 August to meet with community leaders and mitigate friction between the two main tribes in the area. The disagreements between the Al- Ziyadiah and Al-Berti tribes emerged on 15 August and resulted in violent clashes in which shops were looted and destroyed in Mellit's main market area and six people were killed and 12 injured.
Benefit-sharing Raising standards, by Nestlé, CC BY 2.0
Through our Cocoa Plan, we are committed to helping cocoa farmers improve their incomes by providing them with training in better farming methods and giving them access to high-quality cocoa plantlets. We are also supporting many social projects focused on raising the living standard of cocoa farming communities in Côte d’Ivoire, including a partnership with the World Cocoa Foundation to build or refurbish 40 schools in four years.
Resettlement & compensation Rehabilitating coastal livelihoods, by Alexander Tewfik, CC BY 2.0
Rehabilitating coastal livelihoods and communities requires understanding residents’ livelihood strategies and vulnerabilities to build resilience and sustainability, Pacific Islands.