Community Guide to the International Finance Corporation: An action resource for people affected by IFC-funded projects

Inclusive Development International
  Grievances & redress, Investor compliance, Resettlement & compensation
  Civil society, Grassroots organisations
Tools and Guides

Community Guide to the International Finance Corporation: An action resource for people affected by IFC-funded projects

  Jan 01th, 2020

This guide is written for communities who face negative impacts from IFC-supported projects. It explains what the IFC is and how it provides financial and other support to businesses, including intermediary banks and funds. The guide explains what the IFC Environmental and Social Performance Standards are and who is responsible for implementing them and making sure they are respected on the ground. It also covers two of the Performance Standards (Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous Peoples) in details, and explains what affected communities can do if an IFC-supported project does not comply with the Performance Standards and causes harm. Finally, it discusses company complaint mechanisms, raising the issues directly with the IFC, and using the IFC’s independent complaint mechanism, called the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO).