Read the latest news and blogs on land rights issues and investment


Read the latest news and blogs on land rights issues and investment

News and Blogs


Setting the scene: What are the RAI principles and how do they apply to Mekong forest landscapes?

  Daniel Hayward

The second day of the Forum built upon discussions around customary land tenure in the Mekong region, but with a focus upon private sector investment practices, particularly concerning agriculture


Demystifying FPIC: Tools to support development, avoid conflict and respect community rights

  Daniel Hayward

The third session of the Forum explored the nature of FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) and how it fits into the Mekong landscape, using case studies from a Vietnamese coffee project, and a c


Responsible Agricultural Investment in Mekong forest landscapes

  Daniel Hayward

The fourth session of the Mekong Land Forum introduced the ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Agricultural Investment and identified some of the challenges ahead in implementation.


Looking at the future of customary rights in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region

  Daniel Hayward

In some closing words to the Forum, Vicky Tauli-Corpuz (UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations) applauded the attention given to customary land tenure.


3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum: Forum Replay


Summaries and selected replays from the 3rd Mekong Regional Land Forum are available below. Full replays of the plenary sessions will be posted shortly -- check back soon!


Strengthening the land rights of local communities and women in forest areas

  Daniel Hayward

The task of opening a large event is never easy.


Enhancing responsible agricultural investment: What role should investment incentives play?

  Dr. Jana Herold

In the Mekong region, agriculture (including forestry and fisheries) employs over 43% of the population and contributes to around 16% to the regional GDP, making it an important sector for investme


Comparative analysis of the legal frameworks in the context of responsible land-based investments: Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar and Viet Nam

  Louisa J.M. Jansen

The recognition of customary tenure systems and responsible land-based investments that safeguard legitimate tenure rights and right holders are the interconnected main themes for mainstreaming the


ABCs of land tenure: Multilingual resources for understanding key terms

  Louisa J.M. Jansen

To better understand key land tenure terms and their meaning, four bilingual glossaries have been prepared with the title "The ABC of land tenure - Key terms and their meaning with a focus on


Responsible agricultural investment in Mekong forest landscapes: How do we get there?

  Rob Cole

The impacts of agribusiness and plantation investments on the forests of the Mekong region have been widely documented.