News and Blogs
Improving land governance
Good and responsible land governance and an efficient land administration system, including land use planning, are one of the pillars for sustaining food security and nutrition in Ghana.
A Journey into Land Issues in China
The Land Portal Foundation’s launches the China Country Portfolio - a knowledge piece with a comprehensive understanding of the country’s land issues.
Five mega-trends affecting forests will have profound impacts on local communities
We need to understand the consequences of technology, migration, climate shifts, infrastructure and a growing middle class on forest-dependent people
Press Release: Study Finds Upward Trend of Land Inequality in Asia Driven By Large-Scale Land Acquisitions
In a new study, researchers say that land inequality is rising in most countries.
Minister orders no more lease of Bangladesh forest lands
Environment, forest and climate change minister Md Shahab Uddin on Sunday directed the country’s eight divisional commissioners for taking measures not to lease out forestlands to individuals and b
New rule puts Indonesia’s protected forests up for grabs for agribusiness
Indonesia’s environment ministry has issued a new regulation allowing protected forest areas to be cleared for a “food estate” program.
Communities need land rights to gain from investments
Communities being able to participate on an equal basis in land governance is key to food security and inclusive development.
Community Participation and Inclusion during a Pandemic: Recent Experiences from Around the World
How can we reconcile the hazards of social interaction in a COVID-19 world with the importance of community participation to the successful, and sustainable, implementation of on-going land project
Three reasons to invest in land tenure security
For rural people, especially low-income rural people, land and livelihood are one and the same.
Indonesian officials linked to mining and ‘dirty energy’ firms benefiting from deregulation law
Top Indonesian ministers who pushed for the passage of a deregulation bill that benefits the mining and “dirty energy” industry have links to some of those very companies, a new report shows.